Yash Sanghani

Yash Sanghani

6 years of experience India

Yash is a Senior Python Developer with over 5 years of experience in the industry. With expertise in end-to-end product delivery, he possesses a strong understanding of database structures, APIs, and CI/CD processes.

His proficiency lies in Flask and Django frameworks, along with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB on the database layer. Yash also has practical knowledge of implementing Machine Learning, Data Science, algorithms, and Data Analytics concepts.

Yash is known for his adaptability and motivation to learn in new environments. His problem-solving skills make him a valuable asset to any team he joins.

Python Django Flask MongoDB MS SQL Server PostgreSQL Machine Learning Pandas NumPy Business Analysis FastAPI MySQL SQL Postman ReactJS


Evenmore Infotech
  • • Working as a Senior Python Developer, database administrator, and project manager, responsible for coordinating back-end tasks as a team leader and formulating and delivering projects from scratch.
    • As a Senior Python Backend Developer on a Gym Fitness Management mobile app for Android and iOS that enables the user to add members to a gym and manage the fee payments, developing a simple interface using Python.
    • Working in the role of a Backend Developer collaborating with a team on Vehicle Labs project, a central web-based application for repairing vehicles, selling parts, and other workshop-related tasks, based on Python framework, Django for the backend, and Reacts JS framework for the frontend, based on DRF.
    • Contributing to the Inellithing project about smart gadgets and predictions of health issues, working with a combination of technologies such as Python, AI, ML, WSO2, using the Flask framework for the deployment of the ML model, that contains a MySQL database to store and retrieve user data.
    • As a Backend Developer working on AltraCare project regarding health check-ups, an online system to book doctor appointments, online consultants, and payment, based on Django Rest Framework as the backend and Reacts JS as front-end framework, and has PostgreSQL as a database.
  • Technologies: Python, MySQL, ReactJS, HTML, AWS, MongoDB
Evenmore Infotech
  • • In the role of a Backend Developer working on several projects for a leading web design and development company:
    • Recommendation System - a project about client recommendation system on the platform, containing Python Flask framework to deploy the ML model, PostgreSQL as a database to store and retrieve the data of the products to recommend.
    • Outify - an event management mobile application for creating events, posting them using the networks, online registration, etc, with Fast API as the backend and Flutter as the frontend framework, and Mongo DB as a data storage.
  • Technologies: Python, CSS, HTML, ReactJS, MongoDB, Flutter
