Mohammad Ghorbani

5 years of experience Iran, Islamic Republic of

A Javascript developer with over 5 years of experience in developing web applications. Enthusiastic about making project scalable, maintainable and reliable.

Experienced in building and contributing on open-source projects, Mohammad has contributed in some popular packages like twin.macro and lately has published a prettier plugin which is related to Tailwind and Twin.macro.

JavaScript ReactJS Babel Tailwind Jest GitHub Actions Storybook


  • Worked as a React developer on a call center service.
    The project was implemented based on Monorepo since I had responsibility of maintaining some private packages completely.We wrote test case with full coverage for every part was done.

    - Implement user interface.
    - Maintain private packages.
    - Optimize bundled code production.
    - Manage dependencies.
    - Full coverage test.
    - Write story and document.
    - Build CI pipe lines.
  • Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, Monorepo, JavaScript, Jest, GitHub Actions
  • Worked as a React developer on an general admin panel for applications.Moreover I built REST API endpoints with express.js and connect client web application to them.For data storage we used MongoDB.

    - Implement user interface.
    - Maintain code production.
    - Write test.
  • Technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, Material UI, Tailwind, Redux
  • Worked as a full stack developer on an E-commerce project.Back-end part was implemented with and we used SQL server as a database.Front section was implementing with jQuery.

    - Implement modular user interface.
    - Create web API.
    - Write database queries.
  • Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, .NET


Kermanshah University of Technology